CHAPTERS in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian in this order:
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======= Hosea 3:1 ============
Hos 3:1 Then the Lord said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by a lover and is committing adultery, just like the love of the Lord for the children of Israel, who look to other gods and love the raisin cakes of the pagans."(nkjv)
何西阿书 3:1 耶和華對我說:「你再去愛一個淫婦,就是她情人所愛的;好像以色列人,雖然偏向別神,喜愛壺中的酒, 耶和華還是愛他們。」 (cn-t)
ホセア書 3:1 主はわたしに言われた、「あなたは再び行って、イスラエルの人々が他の神々に転じて、干ぶどうの菓子を愛するにもかかわらず、主がこれを愛せられるように、姦夫に愛せられる女、姦淫を行う女を愛せよ」と。 (JP)
Hosea 3:1 여호와께서 내게 이르시되 이스라엘 자손이 다른 신을 섬기고 건포도 떡을 즐길지라도 여호와가 저희를 사랑하나니 너는 또 가서 타인에게 연애를 받아 음부된 그 여인을 사랑하라 하시기로 (KR)
Осия 3:1 И сказал мне Господь: иди еще и полюби женщину, любимую мужем, но прелюбодействующую, подобно тому, как любит Господь сынов Израилевых, а ониобращаются к другим богам и любят виноградные лепешки их.(RU)
======= Hosea 3:2 ============
Hos 3:2 So I bought her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver, and one and one-half homers of barley.(nkjv)
何西阿书 3:2 我便用銀子十五舍客勒,大麥一賀梅珥半,買她歸我。 (cn-t)
ホセア書 3:2 そこでわたしは銀十五シケルと大麦一ホメル半とをもって彼女を買い取った。 (JP)
Hosea 3:2 내가 은 열 다섯 개와 보리 한 호멜 반으로 나를 위하여 저를 사고 (KR)
Осия 3:2 И приобрел я ее себе за пятнадцать сребренников и за хомер ячменя и полхомера ячменя(RU)
======= Hosea 3:3 ============
Hos 3:3 And I said to her, "You shall stay with me many days; you shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man--so, too, will I be toward you."(nkjv)
何西阿书 3:3 我對她說:「你當多日為我獨居;你不可行淫,不可歸別人。我為你也必這樣。」 (cn-t)
ホセア書 3:3 わたしは彼女に言った、「あなたは長くわたしの所にとどまって、淫行をなさず、また他の人のものとなってはならない。わたしもまた、あなたにそうしよう」と。 (JP)
Hosea 3:3 저에게 이르기를 너는 많은 날 동안 나와 함께 지내고 행음하지 말며 다른 남자를 좇지 말라 나도 네게 그리하리라 하였노라 (KR)
Осия 3:3 и сказал ей: много дней оставайся у меня; не блуди, и не будь с другим; так же и я буду для тебя.(RU)
======= Hosea 3:4 ============
Hos 3:4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or teraphim.(nkjv)
何西阿书 3:4 以色列人也必多日獨居,無君王,無首領,無祭祀,無像,無以弗得,無家中的神像。 (cn-t)
ホセア書 3:4 イスラエルの子らは多くの日の間、王なく、君なく、犠牲なく、柱なく、エポデおよびテラピムもなく過ごす。 (JP)
Hosea 3:4 이스라엘 자손들이 많은 날 동안 왕도 없고, 군도 없고, 제사도 없고, 주상도 없고, 에봇도 없고, 드라빔도 없이 지내다가 (KR)
Осия 3:4 Ибо долгое время сыны Израилевы будут оставаться без царя и без князя и без жертвы, без жертвенника, без ефода и терафима.(RU)
======= Hosea 3:5 ============
Hos 3:5 Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.(nkjv)
何西阿书 3:5 後來以色列人必回轉,尋求他們的 上帝─ 耶和華和他們的王大衛。在末後的日子,必以敬畏的心歸向 耶和華,領受他的恩惠。 (cn-t)
ホセア書 3:5 そしてその後イスラエルの子らは帰って来て、その神、主と、その王ダビデとをたずね求め、終りの日におののいて、主とその恵みに向かって来る。 (JP)
Hosea 3:5 그 후에 저희가 돌아와서 그 하나님 여호와와 그 왕 다윗을 구하고 말일에는 경외하므로 여호와께로와 그 은총으로 나아가리라 (KR)
Осия 3:5 После того обратятся сыны Израилевы и взыщут Господа Бога своего иДавида, царя своего, и будут благоговеть пред Господом и благостью Его в последние дни.(RU)
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- (CN) - Chinese KJV (TRADITIONAL) - Public Domain
- (JP) - Kougo-yaku This Bible is in the Public Domain. Japanese translation.
- (KR) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Korean translation.
- (RU) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Russian translation.
- (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
- (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
- (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
- (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
- (SA) - Arabic - Smith Van Dyke This Bible is in the Public Domain.
- (IN) - Hindi - Indian Revised Version - available under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
- (PT) - PORTUGUESE - Biblia Livre This Bible is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Brazil License.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.
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- EASTASIA: Read English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian
- Chapters: Quick link to all NASB chapters for STUDY
- STUDY: Read a chapter with the NASB above; and KJV, NAS & Greek in parallel below
- READ: READ a chapter in parallel: KJV, NAS & Greek
- HOMESCHOOL: For Language and Bible Study: English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, and Greek translations by chapter
- COMPARE NT GREEK: STUDY a chapter with each verse in NASB, NKJV, German and Greek (LXX, Nestle-Aland & Textus Receptus)
- GREEK, LATIN & GERMAN: STUDY by chapter: NASB, Greek ( LXX & Nestle-Aland ), Latin, German and NKJV
- LATIN, SPANISH & FRENCH: Study by chapter: NASB, Latin, Spanish, French & NKJV chapters
- Through the Bible in ONE year:
- ONE YEAR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR, just a few chapters a day.
- CHRONYR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
- MIKRAH: Read the Old Testament in the Hebrew order
NOTE: Screen shots of some of the versions are shown further below.
- Foreign languages for personal study with copyrights used by permission:
- WORLD: The official 6 UN languages plus 2 others that have been proposed:
Langages listed below are in the order presented in each verse, chapter by chapter, order was determined mostly by the order accepted by the UN:
English 18.8%, French 3.4%, Spanish 6.9%, Chinese 13.8%, Russian 3.2%, Arabic 3.4%, Hindi 7.5%, Portuguese 3.2%
(The percentages are the people of the world speaking that language - circa 2023)
- VN-EN: Vietnamese Cadman Bible with NASB by chapter
Bible TEACHINGS from three different Bible Teaching "book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse" Churches on MP3
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