CHAPTERS in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian in this order:
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======= Psalm 121:1 ============
Psa 121:1 A Song of Ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the hills-- From whence comes my help?(nkjv)
诗篇 121:1 (上行之詩。)我要向山舉目;我的幫助從何而來? (cn-t)
詩篇 121:1 わたしは山にむかって目をあげる。 わが助けは、どこから来るであろうか。 (JP)
Psalms 121:1 (성전으로 올라가는 노래) 내가 산을 향하여 눈을 들리라 나의 도움이 어디서 올꼬 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:1 (120:1) Песнь восхождения. Возвожу очи мои к горам, откуда придет помощь моя.(RU)
======= Psalm 121:2 ============
Psa 121:2 My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:2 我的幫助從造天地的 耶和華而來。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:2 わが助けは、天と地を造られた主から来る。 (JP)
Psalms 121:2 나의 도움이 천지를 지으신 여호와에게서로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:2 (120:2) Помощь моя от Господа, сотворившего небо и землю.(RU)
======= Psalm 121:3 ============
Psa 121:3 He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:3 他必不叫你的腳搖動;保護你的必不打盹! (cn-t)
詩篇 121:3 主はあなたの足の動かされるのをゆるされない。 あなたを守る者はまどろむことがない。 (JP)
Psalms 121:3 여호와께서 너로 실족지 않게 하시며 너를 지키시는 자가 졸지 아니하시리로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:3 (120:3) Не даст Он поколебаться ноге твоей, не воздремлет хранящий тебя;(RU)
======= Psalm 121:4 ============
Psa 121:4 Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:4 看哪,保護以色列的,也不打盹也不睡覺。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:4 見よ、イスラエルを守る者は まどろむこともなく、眠ることもない。 (JP)
Psalms 121:4 이스라엘을 지키시는 자는 졸지도 아니하고 주무시지도 아니하시리로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:4 (120:4) не дремлет и не спит хранящий Израиля.(RU)
======= Psalm 121:5 ============
Psa 121:5 The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:5 保護你的是 耶和華; 耶和華在你右邊蔭庇你。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:5 主はあなたを守る者、 主はあなたの右の手をおおう陰である。 (JP)
Psalms 121:5 여호와는 너를 지키시는 자라 여호와께서 네 우편에서 네 그늘이 되시나니 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:5 (120:5) Господь – хранитель твой; Господь – сень твоя с правой рукитвоей.(RU)
======= Psalm 121:6 ============
Psa 121:6 The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:6 白日,太陽必不傷你;夜間,月亮必不害你。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:6 昼は太陽があなたを撃つことなく、 夜は月があなたを撃つことはない。 (JP)
Psalms 121:6 낮의 해가 너를 상치 아니하며 밤의 달도 너를 해치 아니하리로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:6 (120:6) Днем солнце не поразит тебя, ни луна ночью.(RU)
======= Psalm 121:7 ============
Psa 121:7 The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:7 耶和華要保護你,免受一切的災害;他要保護你的性命。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:7 主はあなたを守って、すべての災を免れさせ、 またあなたの命を守られる。 (JP)
Psalms 121:7 여호와께서 너를 지켜 모든 환난을 면케 하시며 또 네 영혼을 지키시리로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:7 (120:7) Господь сохранит тебя от всякого зла; сохранит душу твою Господь .(RU)
======= Psalm 121:8 ============
Psa 121:8 The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore.(nkjv)
诗篇 121:8 你出你入, 耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠。 (cn-t)
詩篇 121:8 主は今からとこしえに至るまで、 あなたの出ると入るとを守られるであろう。 (JP)
Psalms 121:8 여호와께서 너의 출입을 지금부터 영원까지 지키시리로다 (KR)
Псалтирь 121:8 (120:8) Господь будет охранять выхождение твое и вхождение твое отныне и вовек.(RU)
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- (CN) - Chinese KJV (TRADITIONAL) - Public Domain
- (JP) - Kougo-yaku This Bible is in the Public Domain. Japanese translation.
- (KR) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Korean translation.
- (RU) - This Bible is in the Public Domain. Russian translation.
- (nkjv) - Updated KJV - New King James Version NKJV - Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
- (nasb) - The most accurate translation: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE® Copyright © 1960-1995 The Lockman Foundation. Used by Permission.
- (F) - FRENCH: Louis Segond 1910 - Public Domain LSG-French
- (E) - SPANISH: Reina Valera Gómez - DERECHOS RESERVADOS - Rights Reserved - Copyright 2010 RVG-Spanish
- (SA) - Arabic - Smith Van Dyke This Bible is in the Public Domain.
- (IN) - Hindi - Indian Revised Version - available under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
- (PT) - PORTUGUESE - Biblia Livre This Bible is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Brazil License.
By presenting these translations by chapter it provides easier navigation and complies with copyright permissions.
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- EASTASIA: Read English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian
- Chapters: Quick link to all NASB chapters for STUDY
- STUDY: Read a chapter with the NASB above; and KJV, NAS & Greek in parallel below
- READ: READ a chapter in parallel: KJV, NAS & Greek
- HOMESCHOOL: For Language and Bible Study: English, Latin, Spanish, French, German, and Greek translations by chapter
- COMPARE NT GREEK: STUDY a chapter with each verse in NASB, NKJV, German and Greek (LXX, Nestle-Aland & Textus Receptus)
- GREEK, LATIN & GERMAN: STUDY by chapter: NASB, Greek ( LXX & Nestle-Aland ), Latin, German and NKJV
- LATIN, SPANISH & FRENCH: Study by chapter: NASB, Latin, Spanish, French & NKJV chapters
- Through the Bible in ONE year:
- ONE YEAR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR, just a few chapters a day.
- CHRONYR: Read through the Bible in ONE YEAR in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
- MIKRAH: Read the Old Testament in the Hebrew order
NOTE: Screen shots of some of the versions are shown further below.
- Foreign languages for personal study with copyrights used by permission:
- WORLD: The official 6 UN languages plus 2 others that have been proposed:
Langages listed below are in the order presented in each verse, chapter by chapter, order was determined mostly by the order accepted by the UN:
English 18.8%, French 3.4%, Spanish 6.9%, Chinese 13.8%, Russian 3.2%, Arabic 3.4%, Hindi 7.5%, Portuguese 3.2%
(The percentages are the people of the world speaking that language - circa 2023)
- VN-EN: Vietnamese Cadman Bible with NASB by chapter
Bible TEACHINGS from three different Bible Teaching "book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse" Churches on MP3
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