Bible Maps - ALL full sizeView all maps with small thumbnails; then select to view full size Set 1: The Face of the Ancient Near EastThe Ancient Near East 001001_TheAncientNearEast_001.jpg Biblical Regions 001a 001a_BiblicalRegions_001a.jpg Modern States and the Ancient Near East 002 002_ModernStates-and-AncientNearEast_002.jpg Mesopotamia: Homeland of Abraham 003 003_Mesopotamia-Homeland-of-Abraham_003.jpg Egypt: Land of Bondage 004 004_Egypt-Land-of-Bondage_004.jpg Syria and Lebanon 005 005_Syria-and-Lebanon_005.jpg International Routes, The King's Highway 006 006_InternationalRoutes-TheKingsHighway_006.jpg Geography and Trade Routes of the Middle East 006a 006a_Geography-and-TradeRoutes-of-MiddleEast_006a.jpg Set 2: Natural Regions of PalestineNational Regions of Ancient Palestine 007007_NationalRegions-of-AncientPalestine_007.jpg Physical Geography of Palestine 007a 007a_PhysicalGeography-of-Palestine_007a.jpg Topography of Palestine 007b 007b_Topography-of-Palestine_007b.jpg Cross Sectional Views of Longitudinal Zones 008 008_CrossSectionalViews-of-LongitudinalZones_008.jpg Northern Coastal Plains 009 009_NorthernCoastalPlains_009.jpg Plain of Dor, Plain of Sharon, Samaria, et al. 010 010_Plain-of-DorPlain-of-SharonSamariaetal._010.jpg Philistine Plain, Shephelah, Judah, and the Dead Sea 011 011_PhilistinePlainShephelahJudah-and-DeadSea_011.jpg Arabah, Negeb, Wildernesses of Zin and Paran 012 012_ArabahNegebWildernesses-of-Zin-and-Paran_012.jpg The Old City of Jerusalem Today 012a 012a_TheOldCity-of-JerusalemToday_012a.jpg Modern Political Divisions of Ancient Palestine 013 013_ModernPoliticalDivisions-of-AncientPalestine_013.jpg Climate Patterns of Ancient Palestine 014 014_ClimatePatterns-of-AncientPalestine_014.jpg PART II: THE HEBREW BIBLE PERIOD Set 3: Before AbrahamSelected Neolithic and Chalcolithic Settlements 015015_SelectedNeolithic-and-ChalcolithicSettlements_015.jpg The Table of Nations (1) 016 016_TheTable-of-Nations-1_016.jpg The Table of Nations (2) 016a 016a_TheTable-of-Nations-2_016a.jpg Ancient Near East in the 3rd Millennium 017 017_AncientNearEast-3rd-Millennium_017.jpg Set 4: The World of the PatriarchsAncient Near East in the Time of the Patriarchs 018018_AncientNearEast-Time-of-Patriarchs_018.jpg The Land of Canaan from Abraham to Moses 018a 018a_TheLand-of-Canaan-from-Abraham-to-Moses_018a.jpg Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age 019 019_Palestine-in-MiddleBronzeAge_019.jpg The Migration of Abraham 020 020_TheMigration-of-Abraham_020.jpg Abraham in Canaan 021 021_Abraham-in-Canaan_021.jpg Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 021a 021a_Abraham-Isaac-and-Jacob_021a.jpg Travels of Jacob 022 022_Travels-of-Jacob_022.jpg The Journeys of Joseph 023 023_TheJourneys-of-Joseph_023.jpg Set 5: The Egyptian ExperienceExpulsion of the Hyksos 024024_Expulsion-of-Hyksos_024.jpg Egypt and Palestine in the Late Bronze Age 025 025_Egypt-and-Palestine-LateBronzeAge_025.jpg Sites in the Amarna Archive (Akhetaton; Tell el-Amarna) 025a 025a_SitesintheAmarnaArchive-Akhetaton-Tellel-Amarna_025a.jpg Campaigns of Thutmose III and Amenhotep II 026 026_Campaigns-of-ThutmoseIII-and-AmenhotepII_026.jpg Canaan in the 14th Century: The Tell el-Amarna Tablets 027 027_Canaan-in_14thCentury-TheTellel-AmarnaTablets_027.jpg The Egyptian Empire and the Hittites 028 028_TheEgyptianEmpire-and-Hittites_028.jpg 028a_EgyptianEmpire-and-Balance-of-Power-1400BC_028a.jpg Egyptian Empire and Balance of Power, ca. 1400 BCE 028a The Route of the Exodus 029 029_TheRoute-of-Exodus_029.jpg Set 6: The ExodusEvents during the Sojourn at Kadesh-Barnea 030030_Events-during-Sojourn-at-Kadesh-Barnea_030.jpg Journey of the Spies 031 031_Journey-of-Spies_031.jpg The Journey from Kadesh-Barnea to the Plains of Moab 032 032_TheJourneyfrom-Kadesh-Barnea-to-Plains-of-Moab_032.jpg Set 7: Conquest and SettlementAncient Near East from 1200-100 BCE 033033_AncientNearEastfrom_1200-100BC_033.jpg The Conquest of Canaan 033a 033a_The-Conquest-of-Canaan_033a.jpg The Sea Peoples 034 034_The-SeaPeoples_034.jpg The Levant from 1200-1000 BCE 035 035_The-Levant-from_1200-1000BC_035.jpg The Conquest by Joshua 035a 035a_TheConquest-by-Joshua_035a.jpg Joshua's Central and Southern Campaigns 036 036.jpg Joshua's Northern Campaign 037 037_Joshuas-NorthernCampaign_037.jpg The Limits of Israelite Settlement 038 038_TheLimits-of-Israelite-Settlement_038.jpg Israel in Canaan from Joshua to Samuel to Saul 038a 038a_Israel-in-Canaan-from-Joshua-to-Samuel-to-Saul_038a.jpg The Tribal Allotments of Israel 039 039_TheTribalAllotments-of-Israel_039.jpg The Division of the Land Among the Tribes 039a 039a_TheDivision-of-L-and-AmongtheTribes_039a.jpg Levitical Cities and Cities of Refuge (1) 040 040_Levitical-Cities-and-Cities-of-Refuge-1_040.jpg The Levitical Cities (2) 040a 040a_The-Levitical-Cities-2_040a.jpg The Judges of Israel 041 041_TheJudges-of-Israel_041.jpg The Period of the Judges 041a 041a_ThePeriod-of-Judges_041a.jpg Ehud and the Oppression of the Moabites 042 042_Ehud-and-Oppression-of-Moabites_042.jpg Deborah's Victory over the Canaanites 043 043_Deborahs-VictoryoverCanaanites_043.jpg Gideon's Battles with the Amalekites 044 044_Gideons-BattleswithAmalekites_044.jpg Jephthah and the Ammonites 045 045_Jephthah-and-Ammonites_045.jpg Samson and the Philistines 046 046_Samson-and-thePhilistines_046.jpg The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark 047 047_TheBattle-at-Ebenezer-and-theLoss-of-Ark_047.jpg The Ministry of Samuel and Anointment of Saul 048 048_TheMinistry-of-Samuel-and-Anointment-of-Saul_048.jpg 049_TheKingdom-of-Saul-and-HisWars_049.jpg The Kingdom of Saul and His Wars 049 049a_Saul_1000BC_049a.jpg Saul, 1000 BCE 049a David's Flight from Saul 050 050_Davids-Flight-from-Saul_050.jpg Set 8: The Kingdom of David and SolomonDavid's Rise to Power 051051_Davids-Rise-to-Power_051.jpg David in Conquest of Canaan 051a 051a_David-in-Conquest-of-Canaan_051a.jpg David's Wars of Conquest 052 052_Davids-Wars-of-Conquest_052.jpg Kingdom of David and Solomon 053 053_Kingdom-of-David-and-Solomon_053.jpg The United Monarchy under Solomon (1) 053a 053a_TheUnitedMonarchyunderSolomon-1_053a.jpg The United Monarchy under Solomon (2) 053b 053b_TheUnitedMonarchyunderSolomon-2_053b.jpg Solomon's Economic Enterprises 054 054_SolomonsEconomicEnterprises_054.jpg Solomon's Building Activities 055 055_SolomonsBuildingActivities_055.jpg Solomon's Temple 055a 055a_SolomonsTemple_055a.jpg Jerusalem in the Time of David and Solomon 056 056_JerusalemintheTime-of-David-and-Solomon_056.jpg Set 9: The Kingdoms of Israel and JudahThe Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (1) 057057_TheKingdoms-of-Israel-and-Judah-1_057.jpg The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (2) 057a 057a_TheKingdoms-of-Israel-and-Judah-2_057a.jpg The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (3) 057b 057b_TheKingdoms-of-Israel-and-Judah-3_057b.jpg The Campaign of Shishak 058 058_TheCampaign-of-Shishak_058.jpg Conflicts between Israel and Aram-Damascus 059 059_ConflictsbetweenIsrael-and-Aram-Damascus_059.jpg The Omride Dynasty 060 060_TheOmrideDynasty_060.jpg The Golden Ages of the 9th & 8th centuries BCE 60a 060a_TheGoldenAges-of-9th-n-8thCenturiesBC_060a.jpg Phoenician Trade and Civilization 061 061_PhoenicianTrade-and-Civilization_061.jpg Trade Routes throughout the Middle East 061a 061a_TradeRoutesthroughouttheMiddleEast_061a.jpg Travel Routes throughout Palestine 061b 061b_TravelRoutesthroughoutPalestine_061b.jpg Elijah and Elisha 062 062_Elijah-and-Elisha_062.jpg The Revolt of Jehu 063 063_TheRevolt-of-Jehu_063.jpg The Rise of Assyria 064 064_TheRise-of-Assyria_064.jpg Israel & Judah in the days of Jeroboam II and Uzziah 065 065_Israel-and-Judah-in-the-days-of-JeroboamII-and-Uzziah_065.jpg The Assyrian Empire under Tiglath-Pileser III 066 066_TheAssyrianEmpireunderTiglath-PileserIII_066.jpg The Syro-Ephraimite War 067 067_TheSyro-EphraimiteWar_067.jpg Tiglath-Pileser III's Campaigns 068 068_Tiglath-PileserIIIsCampaigns_068.jpg Fall of Samaria and Deportation of Israelites 069 069_Fall-of-Samaria-and-Deportation-of-Israelites_069.jpg The Fall of the Kingdom of Israel 069a 069a_TheFall-of-Kingdom-of-Israel_069a.jpg Assyrian Districts after the Fall of Samaria 070 070_Assyrian-Districts-aftertheFall-of-Samaria_070.jpg Prophets of the 8th Century BCE 071 071_Prophets-of-8thCenturyBC_071.jpg Set 10: Judah Alone amid International PowersHezekiah's Preparation for Revolt 072072_Hezekiahs-PreparationforRevolt_072.jpg Judah under King Hezekiah 072a 072a_Judah-under-King-Hezekiah_072a.jpg Hezekiah's Jerusalem 073 073_Hezekiahs-Jerusalem_073.jpg Sennacherib's Campaign against Judah 074 074_Sennacheribs-Campaign-against-Judah_074.jpg Assyria in the 7th century BCE 075 075_Assyria-in-7thcentury-BC_075.jpg The Rise of the Neo-Babylonian Empire 076 076_TheRise-of-Neo-BabylonianEmpire_076.jpg The Reign of Josiah 077 077_TheReign-of-Josiah_077.jpg The Districts of Judah under King Josiah 077a 077a_TheDistricts-of-Judah-under-KingJosiah_077a.jpg The Golden Age of King Josiah 077b 077b_TheGoldenAge-of-King-Josiah_077b.jpg Nebuchadnezzar's Campaigns against Judah 078 078_Nebuchadnezzars-CampaignsagainstJudah_078.jpg Set 11: The Babylonian ExileJudah during the Exile 079079_JudahduringtheExile_079.jpg The Kingdom of Judah 079a 079a_TheKingdom-of-Judah_079a.jpg Exile; Palestine in the Post-Exilic Period 079b 079b_Exile-Palestine-in-the-Post-Exilic-Period_079b.jpg Jewish Exiles in Babylon 080 080_JewishExilesinBabylon_080.jpg Jewish Refugees in Egypt 081 081_JewishRefugeesinEgypt_081.jpg Set 12: The Persian PeriodWorld Powers of the 6th century BCE 082082_WorldPowers-of-6thcenturyBC_082.jpg The Conquests of Cyrus the Great 083 083_TheConquests-of-CyrustheGreat_083.jpg The Persian Empire 084 084_ThePersianEmpire_084.jpg The Return of the Jewish Exiles to Judah 085 085_TheReturn-of-Jewish-Exiles-to-Judah_085.jpg Judah in the 5th century BCE 086 086_Judah-in-5thcenturyBC_086.jpg Palestine after the Exile 086a 086a_Palestine-after-Exile_086a.jpg Set 13: The Hellenistic PeriodAlexander the Great's Empire 087087_Alexander-the-Great-Empire_087.jpg The Division of Alexander's Empire ca. 275 BCE 088 088_TheDivision-of-AlexandersEmpire-275BC_088.jpg Palestine under the Ptolemies 089 089_PalestineunderthePtolemies_089.jpg The Seleucid Empire and Antiochus III 090 090_TheSeleucidEmpire-and-AntiochusIII_090.jpg Campaigns of Antiochus IV against Egypt 091 091_Campaigns-of-AntiochusIVagainstEgypt_091.jpg The Maccabees in 168 BCE 091a 091a_TheMaccabees-in_168-BC_091a.jpg Selected Events in the Maccabean Revolt 092 092_SelectedEventsintheMaccabeanRevolt_092.jpg Jewish Expansion under the Hasmonean Dynasty 093 093_JewishExpansionundertheHasmoneanDynasty_093.jpg Pompey's Campaign against Jerusalem 094 094_PompeysCampaignagainstJerusalem_094.jpg PART III: THE NEW TESTAMENT ERASet 14: Rome's Emergence as a World PowerEarly Rome 095095_EarlyRome_095.jpg Roman Expansion in the 3rd & 2nd centuries BCE 096 096_RomanExpansioninthe3rd-and-2ndcenturiesBC_096.jpg Civil Wars amidst Roman Expansion in 1st century BCE 097 097_CivilWarsamidstRomanExpansionin_1stcenturyBC_097.jpg Roman Empire in the Age of Augustus 098 098_RomanEmpireintheAge-of-Augustus_098.jpg Set 15: The Romans, Palestine, and Herod the GreatRoman Rule in Palestine 63-40 BCE 099099_RomanRuleinPalestine63-40BC_099.jpg The Kingdom of Herod the Great 100 100_TheKingdom-of-HerodtheGreat_100.jpg Herod's Building Program 101 101_HerodsBuildingProgram_101.jpg Set 16: The World of JesusThe Division of Herod's Kingdom 102102_TheDivision-of-HerodsKingdom_102.jpg Palestine under the Herods 102a 102a_PalestineundertheHerods_102a.jpg Palestine in the Time of Jesus (1) 103 103_PalestineintheTime-of-Jesus-1_103.jpg Palestine in the Time of Jesus (2) 103a 103a_PalestineintheTime-of-Jesus-2_103a.jpg Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls 104 104_Qumran-and-theDeadSeaScrolls_104.jpg Set 17: The Life and Ministry of JesusJesus' Birth and Early Childhood 105105_JesusBirth-and-EarlyChildhood_105.jpg The Birth, Childhood, and Baptism of Jesus 105a 105a_TheBirthChildhood-and-Baptism-of-Jesus_105a.jpg John the Baptist 106 106_JohntheBaptist_106.jpg Galilee in the Time of Jesus 107 107_GalileeintheTime-of-Jesus_107.jpg Jesus' Ministry in Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem 107a 107a_JesusMinistryinGalilee-and-JourneytoJerusalem_107a.jpg The Ministry of Jesus around the Sea of Galilee 108 108_TheMinistry-of-JesusaroundtheSea-of-Galilee_108.jpg The Ministry of Jesus beyond Galilee 109 109_TheMinistry-of-JesusbeyondGalilee_109.jpg Jesus' Ministry according to John 109a 109a_JesusMinistryaccordingtoJohn_109a.jpg Jesus' Journeys from Galilee to Judea 110 110_JesusJourneysfromGalileetoJudea_110.jpg Jesus in Judea and Jerusalem 111 111_JesusinJudea-and-Jerusalem_111.jpg Jerusalem in the New Testament Period 112 112_JerusalemintheNewTestamentPeriod_112.jpg The Passion Week in Jerusalem 113 113_ThePassionWeekinJerusalem_113.jpg Set 18: Early Expansion of the ChurchThe Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I 114114_TheKingdom-of-HerodAgrippaI_114.jpg The Kingdom of Agrippa II 115 115_TheKingdom-of-AgrippaII_115.jpg Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora 116 116_Pentecost-and-theJewishDiaspora_116.jpg Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine 117 117_Expansion-of-EarlyChurchinPalestine_117.jpg Paul's Conversion and Early Ministry 118 118_PaulsConversion-and-EarlyMinistry_118.jpg Paul's Journeys 118a 118a_PaulsJourneys_118a.jpg The First Missionary Journey of Paul 119 119_TheFirstMissionaryJourney-of-Paul_119.jpg The Second Missionary Journey of Paul 120 120_TheSecondMissionaryJourney-of-Paul_120.jpg The Third Missionary Journey of Paul 121 121_TheThirdMissionaryJourney-of-Paul_121.jpg Paul's Arrest and Imprisonment 122 122_PaulsArrest-and-Imprisonment_122.jpg Paul's Voyage to Rome 123 123_PaulsVoyagetoRome_123.jpg Set 19: The First Jewish RevoltDistribution of Roman Legions under Tiberius 124124_Distribution-of-RomanLegionsunderTiberius_124.jpg The First Jewish Revolt 125 125_TheFirstJewishRevolt_125.jpg Titus's Campaigns 126 126_Titus-Campaigns_126.jpg Herod's Temple 126a 126a_Herods-Temple_126a.jpg Set 20: The Early Christian ChurchChurches of the Revelation 127127_Churches-of-Revelation_127.jpg The Roman Empire ca. 117 CE 128 128_TheRomanEmpire_117_AD_128.jpg Palestine from 73-135 CE 129 129_Palestine_from_73-135_AD_129.jpg The Bar Kokhba Revolt, 132-135 CE 130 130_TheBar-Kokhba-Revolt_132-135_AD_130.jpg Hadrian's Jerusalem 131 131_HadriansJerusalem_131.jpg Christian Expansion in the 2nd & 3rd Century 132 132_ChristianExpansioninthe2nd-and-3rdCentury_132.jpg Today's Date: available on in other formats (set your own price: and yes, "free" is a price) |